A cute girl

Today so cute girl came to school in this afternoon without reservation.

She said “I want to do  a surfing”

But here was no school principal Mame-Masuda,

so I said “if you do not have a reservation , we can not teach you”

But when I saw her face ,she had so sad face and I felt so sad too

so I taught her.

She could understand my surfing lessons in english even my english is not good.

She was excellent!

She could ride on the wave because she has good sense.


Today I am writing this blog in English because of she can not understand any Japanese.

I hope she will be able to see this blog.

And I would be happy if she had a good memory of her visit to Japan.






And 突然スクールやるんで 留守番させちゃったスドーちゃんFセンセすんまへーん🙇‍♀️


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